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COVID-19 Pathway now available in PCMIS
Since the third lockdown was implemented back in December 2020, many healthcare services are reviewing the best way to offer bespoke COVID-19 related support, for those who need it, in the local community.
To support these targeted mental healthcare responses we have developed a bespoke COVID-19 Pathway.
Configurable to suit your requirements
The COVID-19 Pathway is adapted from a digital pathway initially designed for the Greater Manchester Resilience Hub, Pennine Care’s internationally recognised, coordinated care and support response in the aftermath of the Manchester Arena Attack.
The flexibility of the PCMIS system means it can be adapted quickly to meet your requirements, all while ensuring a seamless referral flow.
Whether you’d just like to collect demographic details and assess risk, or collect a range of clinical measures upon initial contact, we can build the pathway to your specification in order to meet local needs.
A rapid, effective and clinically safe response
Our COVID-19 Pathway also includes an online wellbeing screening tool, to manage risk and offer an initial online triage, helping your service identify people’s individual needs and ensure they are signposted to the most appropriate service. The online wellbeing screening tool can also be easily adapted for Children & Young People affected by the upheaval they’ve experienced since March 2020.
The COVID-19 Pathway offers an effective and clinically safe response to the rising demand for mental health support.
It is designed for rapid deployment, so if you are looking for a ready to go solution to enable you to better support your community during the pandemic, get in touch to request a demo today via