Please complete the form below and one of our team will be in touch.
Online eReferrals
Patients can easily register their details with you, set their communication preferences, and answer any initial questions you may wish to ask them in order to help manage risk and triage online.

Configurable questionnaires and data fields
Whether you want to capture initial assessment information or simply collect basic demographics, we can configure the eReferral form to suit your requirements.
Capture patient consents and communication preferences
Patient consents around data usage, communication preferences, and bespoke service related consents can all be captured via the online eReferral form.
Fully encrypted and secure data flow
All information captured on the online eReferral form flows securely into the PCMIS clinical system.
GP eReferral and Joint Care Pathway options available
Create a separate GP eReferral form and/or accommodate joint care pathways such as Long Term Conditions (LTCs) as required.
'Direct to Digital' auto-referral integration available
We can integrate with digital therapies to provide consenting clients with a 'Direct to Digital' referral into your service and straight onto digital therapy.
Highly customisable interface
Customise your online eReferral forms with your logos and important service related information.
Accessible via any internet enabled device
Online eReferral forms are mobile and tablet friendly.
eReferral analytics
We'll work with you to analyse eReferral user behaviour and form accessibility to ensure high completion rates.
Choose & Book online appointments
Key benefits include an appointment booking process that is much more convenient for patients and much more efficient for services.

Compatible with a range of referral and triage processes
Choose & Book is a transformative tool whether integrated into your online referral process or made available to patients after triage.
Co-designed with NHS Mental Health service staff
We worked with our NHS partners to ensure Choose & Book is fit for purpose and benefits both staff and service users.
Fully integrated with the PCMIS clinical system
Live appointment data flows securely between Choose & Book and PCMIS to ensure no booking conflicts occur.
Highly configurable
Configure key service information, appointment availability (e.g. weekend appointments), appointment types and much more.
PCMIS Portal
The PCMIS Portal empowers them to complete routine outcome measures, including ADSMs, securely online in advance of scheduled appointments. Responses flow seamlessly into the PCMIS system, where clinicians can review them and plan ahead.
Key benefits include a significant reduction in admin tasks and better optimisation of contact time.

Collect routine outcome measures for IAPT and MHSDS online
PHQ-9, GAD7 and other routine mental health outcome measures can be completed online before scheduled appointments and flowed into PCMIS.
Configure questionnaires and outcome measures
PCMIS Portal uses built-in logic to prompt for outcome measures and service specific questionnaires at different stages of treatment.
Collect Anxiety Disorder Specific Measures (ADSMs)
PCMIS Portal can prompt for completion of relevant ADSMs based on the Problem Descriptor (diagnosis) recorded on the patient record in PCMIS.
Collect feedback online
Host feedback questionnaires such as IAPT PEQs (Patient Experience Questionnaires) on the Portal and flow responses into PCMIS, where dashboard reports facilitate service benchmarking.
Automatic Portal access for new referrals
Auto-generate secure, unique Portal IDs for consenting new referrals and share log-in details securely by text (see Portal SMS section below).
Highly customisable interface
Customise your Portal with logos and service specific information such as contact details and signposting information.
Accessible via any internet enabled device
PCMIS Portal's mobile and tablet friendly design means patients can access it and share information with your service at their convenience.
Portal site analytics
We'll work with you to analyse Portal user behaviour and identify ways to maximise online completion rates.
(70% SMS vs 20% email).
With Portal SMS you can automate important service messages for every step of the patient journey, boosting online completion rates for clinical measures and ensuring continuity of care.

Automate welcome messages and appointment reminders
Configure and send automated welcome messages to new referrals and schedule appointment reminders.
Prompt for clinical assessment responses
Send unique PCMIS Portal web links to patients, making it easy for them to complete clinical assessments in advance of their appointment.
Prompt for patient feedback
Configure and send automated patient feedback requests during and after treatment.
Dedicated Portal SMS Consents
Avoid sending unwanted communications using the Portal SMS Consents.

Secure Broker API data transfer
All data flowing in or out of PCMIS is controlled by our secure Broker service and encrypted to ensure secure transfer.
Compliant with Data Protection and UK GDPR principles
Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) and Privacy by Design are used to assess and ensure GDPR compliance.
NHS Digital Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) Compliant
PCMIS technology is audited using the NHS Digital DSPT and achieved a Level 3 pass rate of 100%.
Hosted securely in the UK
PCMIS is fully hosted in the UK at the University of York in our own dedicated, secure UK Class data centre. We safeguard all aspects of data protection including physical security, with nightly onsite encrypted backups and disaster recovery.